Why? How Do You Turn That Question Into Your Biggest Fire?

Andrew Flanagan
4 min readNov 27, 2021


So today’s topic is going to be a little different.

Yes, it is still on mindset as have all the blogs been so far, but this blog is not so much inspired by lessons I have learned today as much as it is about this holiday period.

Now I am not American, so I do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but I know that over in the states this is an extremely important holiday.

But yesterday and this morning when my alarm rang and I wanted to turn back over in my nice warm bed, I began to think of those less fortunate.

After a while of thinking about this, I began to think more about my own journey over the past two and a half/ three years.

How am I still going? How am I living in an amazing house with my fiancee which we own?

Compared to where I was when I began this journey back in 2018/2019 my life has drastically changed. I have failed at starting a business on four separate occasions. I have lost $8,000 to my fiancee’s savings in that time. Yet I am still here. Still writing this blog, still striving for the next level in my business.

How can this be? Most people would have given up after the first attempt, or the second attempt. They most certainly would have gone back to the employed world with their cap in their hands begging for forgiveness. But for me, I continued to plow down this rocky path.

But why? What has separated me over the last two to three years?

It all comes down to one question. Why?

Why maybe the most powerful question on the planet, it allows us to strip back to our raw real feelings and shows us our whys. Our reasons for moving forward, for getting in shape, for starting a business.

Now not all whys are created equally. Some fall away quickly and others stick forever.

It is the reason we have wars, it is the reason we went to the moon, it is the reason why we have professional athletes. Our why’s can be so big that they can move mountains.

They are the reason you get up every day, they are the reason why when the pain gets too much you continually move forward, they are the reason why you do not quit.

Your why is a powerful tool. It allows the body to access places not thought possible. It allowed me at 95kg and 5ft 9" to complete the Metropolitan Police Bleep Test.

The power of your why cannot be understated, it cannot be ignored. However, most of us never really decide on our why.

Let that sink in for a moment. Not many people allow their why to guide them. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people achieve great things inside that 24 hours, they achieve great things each and every day that pushes them closer to greatness.

Whilst some of us, sit on the couch watching the new season of You. For those who want to start a business, or want to move into something new, when I get asked how do I do this? My simple response is why?

Why are you doing this? Usually, it takes five, six, seven times of asking this question to get to the real reason, as we humans try to hide the real, raw reason with some lie that we want more money, or we want to just lose some weight. These are nothing more than shallow searches.

We need to search deep, deep inside ourselves to find our truth, our real reason for doing this, for showing up every day even when we don’t want to and our bodies hurt.

As we develop our businesses we come across challenges that break us, that put us into a dark place, that makes us want to quit, that hurt with every extra step that we take.

But here is the solution, your why… If you have a why that is deep enough, that is inspiring enough, that is painful enough if you fail, then you will be able to continue no matter what happens.

When I first started this journey, my why was simply to make more money. Do you know what is wrong with this? When I hit the first obstacle in my first business venture, I failed. Then why was not deep enough. The voice saying oh you can make money doing this instead. Led me to my first loss.

It was only having deep-dived into myself a realised that my why was deeper, that I found the strength to go on. For me, my why is as follows.:

I want to matter, I want to make a difference. Why? Because all of my life, I have been an underdog, and now I want to let that dog bark. I want my parents who have spent more money on me than they should to be able to retire, I want my fiancee to be able to afford the nicest of clothing and to be able to decide when she works. For my brother who is disabled, I want to be able to provide care for him when my parents pass on. My why comes down to this, I must be able to provide for my family, I must be able to help others who are less fortunate. I must matter.

By having this deep routed why, a why I have to continue, I have to keep marching forward up this snowy mountain where I cannot see the top, when it gets hard, my deep routed why shines the light that eases up my pain and allows me to continue.

We all have a why? Are you being guided by yours?



Andrew Flanagan
Andrew Flanagan

Written by Andrew Flanagan

Mindset & Business Coach: Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Their Revenue Online Utilizing battle-tested practical methods

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