How To Sell With A Close
Closing is all that truly matters on the sales call. You will either get the yes you have worked hard to get or a no. There is no gray area.
Your success depends on this. Your percentage depends on your skill. Your business depends on the percentage.
Being a small business, every lead counts, every call counts. So why do so many new entrepreneurs suck at closing sales?
Excuses like, “they were not my ideal customer” or “they do not have the money.” Do not float, they are really bad excuses when it comes down to business.
Everyone will object to everything if you give them the chance, that is part of what we call life. Everyone is scared to buy a program that costs over a thousand dollars, in case they do not get the results they want.
It is easy to object, we do it every day when we do not want to do something. We find an excuse not to do it.
The cold call that you accidentally picked up, or the party you do not want to go to, it is very easy to make up a false excuse.
But how can you stop this from occurring on your sales calls? Simply by having a water-tight script.
By addressing all of the issues and then using logic to defeat the objections. By setting up the pre-frame correctly, and then by executing a plan, that allows your prospect to come to the right idea.
The idea of the sales call is not to sell, but to allow your prospect to sell themselves.
They are on the call because they need help, so by allowing them to look deep within themselves you can help them come to the right answers.
Pain Points:
It is important to know what your prospect’s pain points are. Just simply allow them to talk, as them what is their biggest problems right now. Once they have given them to you, they are what you use to logically beat them when they object.
When they say “I do not know if this is the right course for me.” or “I do not have the money.”
Bringing them back to their pain of Your business will fail, or you will die, or you will lose your marriage and children if you don’t change.
Allows your prospect to come to the right conclusion, that you can help them. You have defeated them using sound logic.
Your Course:
The benefits and features do not matter all that matters is whether what you are offering will help the prospect.
Instead of giving a list of features, go back to their pains.
“Well you say that you need to lose weight because you are diabetic, but you have had issues with dieting in the past. What I am able to do is work with you to make a program that suits you.”
“Well, you say that your business is about to go under because you do not have enough sales, what my program will do is refocus your entrepreneurial mind to come up with a killer offer that your customers will struggle to say no to. Therefore increasing your revenue and saving your business.
The benefits and steps and features do not matter. All that matters is will it work for them. By re-phrasing their problems into what solution you can get them, it will make a difference in the mind of the prospect. This will lead to a better yes rate.
The Close:
Before you get to the pricing, give a pause. Say this:
Before I get on to the pricing, is there anything you do not understand? On a scale on one to ten, ten being the best thing you have ever heard, to one being I have no idea what this guy has been talking about. What number are you?
Then say nothing, allow the silence to fill the line, while they think. Anything less than a ten you need to go back and explain what they did not understand.
After this, you tell them the price.
The program for sixteen weeks is expensive I do not try and say that I am the cheapest. But I believe in my teachings and follow everything I say, The cost of the program is twelve thousand dollars. How does that sound?
Then pause again. No matter how long the pause lasts DO NOT SPEAK FIRST. They are either going to object, which is where you use logic or they are going to say yes.
Selling on the phone is not hard. It just takes some patience. By having the patience to see how you can get that yes and how you will improve, you can get your yes rate through the roof.
Until tomorrow this has been your coach Andrew