How To Reclaim Your Time & Agenda

Andrew Flanagan
4 min readDec 20, 2021


Your time is finite and important.

So why do we allow ourselves to leave the path that we have been put on?

Surely working a nine to five is not your life’s work?

Surely you were created to be something better than a slave to the day?

Surely you realise that you have potential if you reclaim your time and life?

Now, this may shock you, but you have to reclaim your reasons why…

Let me explain.

Throughout life, you will see stragglers, those with no specific aim in life, those who just go day to day not really having a purpose. But that is not you. Inside your burns the passion for more.

To make a difference in the world, and to be paid kindly for being that difference.

But to do this you must begin by reclaiming your time, and your agenda. To truly make a difference in this world, you must begin by getting the following clear.

Walking Your Path:

Your path is hard. No one else can dispute that, everyone who decides to take their own journey is special and different and unique.

But you must be prepared to walk down this path. To do this your focus has to change. In the past, I have talked about deep work and how to do deep work, and walking your path is similar.

You must be prepared for those who throw rocks at you, that cut down trees to block the path, that will do anything to stop you from progressing. Whether through action or word.

Most of what will be thrown at you are out of fear, and this is something you will need to recognize in order to be able to handle it properly.

If you do not listen, cut down the trees get branches together to form a shield to stop the stones from hitting you, you will be able to continue.

If you learn to say no to those tasks, colleagues, bosses who demand too much of you, who try to take you off your path, away from your productivity, because they are failing in their own paths. Then you will be able to march towards making a difference.

Your Meaning:

As a favourite topic of mine, your meaning is what will keep you on your path. It is what allows your progression.

When the path gets tough, obstacles are thrown in your way, you have no idea how to get out and past the issue, then and only then will your meaning help you.

Most people will set off on their paths without a clear meaning, they leave this tool behind because of the belief of it to be insignificant in their quest for glory.

But this is where they have already failed. By not studying, taking their time crafting out their meaning and why, when the path becomes steep, and they start to feel the magnitude of their decisions they cannot continue forward.

They look to the unknown, which is clouded at the top, and have no reason to continue. They begin to descend using their excuses as to why they did not continue.

By deciding early on to equip yourself with a strong meaning and a strong why, when you get to this position yourself, you will be able to continue moving forward, your motivation will remain intact and you can then succeed where others fail.

Your Direction:

The best time to have directions is before you start the journey. If you think about it, when you do not know where you are going you get the GPS out and type in where you’re going BEFORE YOU START.

Yet when it comes to chasing our dreams, we head out without a clear roadmap of where we are going. We stumble from one place to the next, hoping to find the correct path.

Yet if we took time, to write down our goals, then write down the targets to meet these goals, if we put deadlines on these goals and targets, then we know where we need to go and how we are going to get there.

This allows our motivation to stay intact. This allows us to focus on the other more important measures of our life, and stops us from:

  • Wasting Time
  • Wasting Energy

This is how you will succeed.

By following the steps above you can reclaim your time and reclaim your life purpose. Life is too short so why are you not living to your full potential?

Until tomorrow this is your coach Andrew.



Andrew Flanagan
Andrew Flanagan

Written by Andrew Flanagan

Mindset & Business Coach: Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Their Revenue Online Utilizing battle-tested practical methods

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