How To Make Ten Thousand Dollars A Month
Making TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS in a month sounds impossible for most.
When I first thought about this concept I would have agreed with you. The number sounds ridiculous unless you work inside a big business that turns over millions of dollars a year or a month.
But it does not have to be that hard.
When you break it down into numbers a two hundred and ninety-seven dollar course only needs to be sold thirty-four times in a month.
That is just over one a day! Which is small in comparison to the number of courses that are bought every single day.
Even if you scale that down further to a ninety-nine dollar course, that still is only one hundred and one course a month or four per day!
How many times have you bought an online course for that much money? Probably a few times, because it sounds cheap. Ninety-nine dollars does not buy that much in the real world anymore, does it?
After all each year the cost of living shoots up into the clouds even further, making a course selling at ninety-nine dollars seems cheap.
But then you need to have an idea of what course to sell, right?
After all, it is okay making a course worth that much money, but it is another thing to be able to sell a course that people want to buy.
Well, the easiest way is through finding what your target audience is in need of.
It is that simple.
For example, if I were to sell a course on how to grow your business to ten thousand dollars a month in revenue, then I would attract those who are trying to do that. If I sold that course for ninety-nine dollars then it may be a no-brainer for those who have that desire.
Now I could easily just throw on a Facebook ad and hope that people click on the ad, and buy the course. Or I could use Instagram & Youtube.
Using Social Media To Sell Your Courses For Free:
Yes, you read that right, selling courses for free… It is simple and possible to do. This comes down to the value you can add to the wolds through your social media accounts.
For example, in my account, I talk about mindset and business, if my target client comes to my account, in my bio I have a link to a free planner…
However, if I wanted to sell a course I could easily do so by putting that in my bio instead. I could also give away a free course instead.
Now this costs me nothing like the people who want this course are the same people who I am aiming my content at. By aiming my content in this way, I am assured to get sales (if I was offering such a course at such a price.)
Now the same applies to Youtube, I could put out a video called How To Make Sure You Always Get A Yes On Your Sales Calls.
This video is specifically aimed at those in business. The top link of my description could be the course I am trying to sell with a little clue as to what is inside that link. Therefore only the people who are in need of this product will go to the video, and will be enticed into your offer.
All this is done for free. This allows me to firstly save money, as I am not having to pay for expensive ads in a cramped marketplace.
It allows me to sell in enough volume through the content being targeted.
To give you a real-life example of this in practice. Today I uploaded a reel called How To Sell And Get A Yes.
Now if I wanted to, I could create a course on this principle and sell it for ninety-seven dollars. I could put it in my bio with wording like Get Less No’s And More Yes’ Click The Link Below.
Therefore anyone who is interested in this content watches the reel and then clicks onto my profile will have the chance to buy this course.
Over today this reel will be seen over two thousand times. If only five percent click onto my profile, (one hundred potential clients) & only five percent of that take the offer I have sold enough to be on track for the day.
So to put that into a percentage that is only zero point twenty-five percent that buys of my potential audience.
If you think you can get just zero point twenty-five percent of your audience to buy then you will be on your way to ten thousand dollars in a month.
Ten thousand dollars does not look so impossible after all does it?
Until tomorrow this has been your coach Andrew.