How To Lead A Successful Life

Andrew Flanagan
4 min readJan 20, 2022


We all want to lead a successful, happy life. That is the dream of every citizen on this planet. We want to have enough wealth, happiness, and health to see us through our lives.

But, in order to do this, we need to live an integral life. So here are the seven values you should think about when deciding what kind of person you want to be:

Be Yourself:

We need to be true to ourselves if we want to be happy. Trying to be someone else will only lead to unhappiness and frustration.

Being authentic and being true to who you want to be, will make you happier, but it will also allow people to respect you for who you are and what you wish to accomplish.

With Instagram, it is so easy to become fake, to show a life that you do not actually have. It becomes easy to change what you look like for likes and comments. But instead, being authentic, being truly you, will bring you internal happiness that no one can ever take away from you.

Be Honest:

Honesty is the best policy, especially in our dealings with others. It builds trust and respect, which are essential for any relationship.

It also saves you energy. When we lie, we are configuring a story that has its own events. By doing this we have to keep up with these lies, which burns out more and more energy

Do Your Best:

We should always do our best, as our best may vary from day today. But doing our best means we are giving it our all and not holding anything back.

It is important to be proud of what we do, no matter how small or big it is. We should always put 110% into everything that we do in order to achieve the most success possible.

When we do our best, we become proud of the effort, when we fail after giving our best we allow ourselves an opportunity to grow.

Take Care Of Your Family:

One of the most important things in life is taking care of those who love us unconditionally — our families. They are the ones who have been with us through thick and thin, good times and bad times.

We need to make sure that we show them how much they mean to us by spending time with them, telling them how much we love them, and making sure that they are always safe. Doing this will make you more successful not only in work but also with your family.

Treat Others With Respect:

Respect is the most important currency of any relationship — without it there can be no friendship or even business transaction; nothing works! We must treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. It’s simple, really — if you want someone to respect you then show them how much value they bring by respecting them first. If a person respects themselves, they should start with treating themselves right — being kind & forgiving (towards self). Sometimes people do things wrong because their perspective on life was skewed due to past experiences etc…but never forget that everyone has the opportunity for change.

Be A Good Citizen:

It is important to be a good citizen and contribute to society in some way or another. This can be done by volunteering, working towards social justice, or just being kind and helpful to others.

When we give back to society, it makes us feel good about ourselves and strengthens our community. It also allows us to learn more about different people and cultures, which can only lead to a more understanding world.

Follow Your Dreams:

Last but not least, follow your dreams! We all have something that we are passionate about — something that drives us forward each day.

We should never let anyone else tell us what we cannot do. If we really want something, it is possible for us to achieve our goal.

Be Mindful:

Mindfulness has so many benefits that I cannot fully describe here but the ones that are most apparent to me are more happiness & less stress. Mindful living involves being aware of what you think and feel in any given moment without getting carried away by emotions or thoughts. It’s about staying grounded and present as much as possible throughout your day; observing things rather than reacting emotionally to them (which leads down a path of bad decisions).

Mindfulness also helps us be grateful because we have time each day specifically dedicated to focusing on all the positive aspects of life — this allows us to become happier even when faced with challenges since we know there is something to be grateful for in every situation. Mindfulness also helps us avoid regrets as we know that if things did not work out, it was meant to be this way or another — and there is a reason why they didn’t. Mindful living prevents the “what-if’s” because you are aware of your thoughts & feelings throughout each day which means you can steer yourself toward achieving positive outcomes instead of regretting missed opportunities later on down the road.

Enhance Your Mindset:

It all starts with mindset! If our mindsets aren’t set properly, then no matter how much effort we put into learning new skills, etc…our efforts will be wasted because subconsciously we do not believe success is possible without proper planning.

By deciding on new morals and values you can become happier in your everyday life.

The only question is will you allow yourself this chance to reset?

Until tomorrow this has been your coach Andy



Andrew Flanagan
Andrew Flanagan

Written by Andrew Flanagan

Mindset & Business Coach: Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Their Revenue Online Utilizing battle-tested practical methods

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