erfromHow To Know If You Are Becoming Neglectful
Becoming neglectful is one of the worsts traits as a business owner or as an employee you can develop.
Neglect comes in many forms, whether it be in terms of attention to detail, or whether at the higher level it takes into account not listening to your team.
Any way you decide to look at neglect it will quickly come around to hurt you, in the business setting.
Delving further into the area of neglect, there are two main ways in which you can become neglectful without even realising it.
Be that as a captain of your ship or as a deckhand, when you become oblivious to your work you allow for mistakes to creep in.
The owner who does not see that money is being fraudulently put through the business can not then rely on the excuse of being oblivious in a court of law.
It is the same with your job over the business, whilst we must not micro-manage our teams, our employees, our relationships. We must always have a sense of what is going on.
We must be able to see the problems that are creeping up, the tensions within our teams. The problems with our colleagues.
Not being aware of the problem, his what allows a problem to get bigger. Small problems which can be fixed, can lead to companies bleeding out, employees quitting, fines, etc.
The saying: I was not aware of the problem. Will not help you when this happens. The pain becomes too real.
The way we stop this is to be a leader.
Being A Leader:
By being a leader we are involved in our companies and our teams, we have an open-door policy, that allows us to deal with situations early on. We build great HR teams that report potential problems before they become problems.
We always offer a solution and ask for ideas. We champion those who are growing and we encourage those who are not.
This allows us to stay focused on the big goals and ideas for the company.
It is very easy when you become successful to start to overreach. That was my biggest problem!
Overreaching occurs when we say yes or set too bold a target for what we are capable of doing.
To give an example of this. If you are struggling to earn $10k a month by yourself and you working at full capacity, it will be impossible to earn $1 Million dollars by yourself. To do this would require one thousand percent more work, which you would not be capable of.
But then you agree to take on a project that would make that much money.
You burn out quickly, you become desperate and eventually you fold. You have to neglect everything else in your life to focus on this one project, and everything ends up crumbling.
The way you stop this is by hiring more staff to take on the job, by not allowing everyone in your team to burn out and become negative.
Neglecting any part of your life will lead to negative results. We have to focus on attention in order to grow our businesses and our lives.
Until tomorrow this has been your coach Andrew