Freedom: How To Fight For Your Liberty
I want freedom for the full expression of my personality. — Mahatma Gandhi
Freedom is a word we all are always looking for, we want to be freer in our jobs, in our personal lives, in our decisions.
We have our freedom taken away from us when we commit an act that is socially not acceptable and punishable.
Yet when we say we want more freedom, we never challenge what is meant by the words. We never stop to quantify freedom and its meaning.
So what is freedom? In most cases, freedom is used as a motivational tool. The idea of having that house, that car, that family, those holidays, acts as motivation for us to do better in our businesses and jobs, it acts as the end goal for all our hard work.
No one wants to work a nine to five their entire lives it is just not who we are. We are social creatures after all that learn through experience and our senses.
But more importantly, freedom, is what freedom we are actually looking for, to that end we are looking for our own personal freedom. The freedom that allows us to escape society and what society believes is best.
To have enough capital to be able to go where we want when we want. Personal freedom can be linked to the idea of liberty. The idea of being free to be anyone and go anywhere. To wake up each day and live that day to the maximum.
It is the ability to no longer fear the end of the month bills, the paycheque that may not be enough to last the entire month, not to have to decide whether to eat or heat our houses.
That is what we see as personal freedom. For most, this would include getting rid of that nine to five, for the entrepreneur it is having the business run itself without much input from you.
Personal freedom is the motivating factor throughout our lives.
But why do we not all have this personal freedom? If over seven billion people all want a sense of this freedom why is it only the few that ever have it?
This comes down to cost.
The cost of personal freedom is a struggle and hard work, it is breaking away from societal norms and switching to something different.
Now in 2021, this is much easier than in 2001, as more people under thirty now decide to be self-employed, the draw of the nine to five is dimming each year, with opportunities on Youtube, TikTok, Instagram all becoming bigger and more appealing.
But while so many are now breaking free of the societal norm of the nine to five, why is it that not every under thirty is personally free?
A Person’s Doubt:
Doubt plays a major role in the lack of personal freedom. Society has seeped since the time of the industrial revolution to focus on the idea of making money. If you go back only three generations ago, you will be able to still see the idea of the man makes the money, the wife looks after the children and the house.
The greed of I need to make more money. Is an incessant issue that its roots are so well entrenched into modern society that it becomes impossible to think of anything else.
It is easy to see why this ideology has stuck, with inflation each year weakening the value of money, the urge to keep making more money, to climb the ladder to focus on oneself makes gaining freedom an impossible dream.
Freedom can only be truly gained when you give your life to serving others. Every big business does this. Every successful entrepreneur understands this.
Doubting the ability to get freedom, without earning more money, leaves you in a battle with the dictators, and the elitists of society.
They continually pour the gas of doubt by their whispering of making more money. This is a reason for the chains of captivity.
How Do You Solve This?
The only way to solve this issue is to first understand the reasons. Those who serve others are free.
They make a difference in the world, they change thinking, societal norms, they find and innovate the new technology we have. They find the cure to new viruses and infections, they discover the unknown. They take a leap in order to help their fellow man.
The elite cannot control these people. They have no influence on what they do, how they spend money, where they spend money and how much money they have. When the elite are allowed to control, everyone below becomes poorer.
By others becoming poorer they gain more power, more control. This is what they want. They continue to make the poor fight, backstab, climb and believe they can escape a race that they did not want to be in.
However, when they lose this control, they grow weaker. When they grow weaker, the more normal people win. The more normal people win, the more wealth is evenly spread. The more wealth is evenly spread, the more personal freedom we all have.
The only way to get more personal freedom is to begin serving others and helping others to succeed.
When we stop looking up and start offering a hand, the lighter and happier we feel. Only then will we understand what true personal freedom is.
Until tomorrow this has been your coach Andrew.